Home loans being of very large amounts and going on for many years as compared to any other loan one needs to know about the facts and information regarding the laws involved during this loan repayment tenure. Many people are faced with the dilemma of not understanding the laws involved in loans and in case of default and unable to pay back an EMI on time leads them to pay heavy penalty and humiliation. It is but natural that not all borrowers are lawyers and also not everyone would be aware of these facts. Usually in the beginning of purchasing a new home and applying for a home loan the borrower and their family are so involved in the selection of a best home that many points are not even given a single thought. This is life and though you may not be a defaulter but in life there may come unexpected circumstances which could lead you into trouble. Salary delay or unexpected illness in the family or hospitalization or accident of any member, sometimes other incidences though not very ...