There was a time when people used to dream of owning a home. This was the biggest and first dream every newly married couple would have, that is to have a roof over your head. Be it a one room kitchen, a two room kitchen or a two bedroom hall kitchen or a bigger flat, everyone just had to have a home of own. Thane city ahs shown tremendous progress in terms of house constructions and with villas to duplex apartments , there is place for all luxury living here. But I have seen a change, a change for better coming up now as the rates of houses are increasing the new thought coming up is, is it worth purchasing a home? The west has been showing constant change in values and progress financially and as we all know buying a flat in the States or any foreign country is so expensive people prefer staying on rent. There are so many advantages in this as they save on the commitment of a home loan and since the pressure of repayment is not there they can enjoy their income and save acco...