Easy tax concessions are a added bonus with your home loan. Purchasing a home has become the most sought after dream today. Our major salary can go in terms of repaying home loans. With property rates increasing day by day it is becoming more and more difficult to purchase a home even on loan. The principle amount is increasing and also the interest rate added puts a tight crunch on our monthly salary. Tax concessions and rebates come as a boon to lighten this burden a little bit. Is it possible to get tax rebate on the loan amount? Many of us are not aware that this is taxable income money and one can avail rebate on a certain amount. If all returns are filed regularly and all criteria for applying for a home a loan fulfilled then one can avail on tax rebate for a certain amount of the money taken as loan. The main criteria would be the loan has to be taken in the prior financial year and the project has to have a fixed date for completion. The possession of th...