Home Loans Reviews , Read the Reviews carefully about Home Loans as some Google searching will give you a lot of information regarding the financial standing of each bank , institution and loan lending companies. No it is not enough that you sweet talk with the bank manager and all is done, all matters regarding your home loans approval, documents , all sorted out, you feel comfortable with him and trust him, .but alas in a few months this manager will have shifted jobs and you have a new one! The basic fact about becoming a home loan borrower is that you have a relationship with the financial loan lending institution or the Bank. Do keep this in mind, it is not the individual person or the human resources manager. Home loan reviews can be read and searched for thoroughly before you commit to any company or bank for you home loan. Home Loan-Simplified Facts What to look out for in Home Loan reviews- 1) Stability and history of the loan lending institution. 2) The experiences of people ...