Tourism with a purpose of investment is becoming more and more common as people go abroad for any vacation trips or work related trips which though official are inclusive of some sight seeing and local spots you can make this trip more fruitful by looking for property for second homes.
As you have already committed for the trip financially by keeping aside the amount required for stay and sight seeing, you may as well enjoy two benefits along way. Many people visit abroad for vacation purposes and as you visit every year and time and again you spend so much on the staying costs. We know costs are always rising and the same suite costs much more every year making you feel the pinch even more, though your family would feel otherwise.
As you cannot cut down on food and travelling there is one option if you are financially secure that you can buy a small place of your own in UK or any country abroad. There are UK banks who would be willing to offer you amounts on loan to buy property abroad in USA. Have this trip with a purpose of investment and as you enjoy the vacation visit some places for buying property. House or flat or a studio apartment can fulfill the required need for stay abroad for few days while you visit on personal vacation, family trip or official trip. And you can select a place according to your budget.
Property in the UK is also on a rise and though the costs comes in $ it is well worth the effort if you are a frequent flier and vacationer to the UK. Australia is also becoming the new hub for investing in property.
You will enjoy much much better on your next trip with a place of your own!
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